рус eng
 My work
2001-2004 Novosibirsk State University (NSU) (post-graduate study)
candidate of engineering sciences (PhD)
specialty - 05.13.11 (mathematical and system software for computer technique and networks)
1999-2001 Novosibirsk State University (magistrates)
master of physics
specialty - computer science
1997-1999 Novosibirsk State University
bachelor of physics (distinction)
specialty - computer science
1995-1997 High college of Informatic, NSU
electronic design assistant (distinction)
Education (additional)
2011 The Massive Parallel Process Programming (CUDA)(IMG)
2011 Ocean Introduction (IMG)
2011 Petrel Introduction (IMG)
2008 Project Management. (PMI SPB) - 55 PDUs (IMG)
2008 Certified VPN technics. Management of information security system VipNet version 3.0 - 72 hours
2006 Intel Software College. Multi-Core Programming for Academia (Nizhny Novgorod) - 3 days
2006 Course: "Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment"
2004 Winter school for young scientists "Parallel programming technique" (Nizhny Novgorod) - 2 weeks

2008 Sun Microsystems:
Presenting Successfully (jpg)
Managing a Project (jpg)
SolarisTM 10: Ten Moves Ahead of the Competition (jpg)
1999-2000 BrainBench:
Master C Programmer
Master Unix Administrator
Object-Oriented Developer
MS SQL Server Programmer
MS Word Power User
Unix Programmer
Linux Administrator
High IT Aptitude
C++ Programmer