Chair of Physical and Technical Informatics
which I studied on didn't have their own web site for a long time. To be honest, it
was only a page with brief information about the chair, its specialization and stuff
on it. This page could hardly be named by site of the chair which connected with computer
science. New web site of PhTI chair was developed and filled up by me in 2000. Only
SSI technology was accessible.
Dynamic on-line catalog (PHP+MySQL) was developed by me in 2001.
The web site had been located at for a year. Then it was moved somewhere else.
The purpose was to develop convenient web site to allow people share the information
on their requests/offers. There was no static pages at all. All Information and templates
of the pages was stored in DB. Administrator could change and customize the information
on the site via web.
I am responsible for developing and support of Faculty of Informational Technologies
web site
since early 2003. PHP and MySQL was used for this site. I've done the following work:
- News and information sections was added and filled up
- Search in the news sections was added
- Site optimization was completed
- Security improvements was made
Photography is on of my hobbies. A lot of photos have been made for the time I bought my
first digital camera. So, I wanted to share some of them with other people. I thought of
using existing engine or writing static HTML pages for my aim. Hmm... These approaches
have their own advantages and disadvantages. Well, I wrote my own small engine, which was
also used on the FIT site later
We've faced with the problem after Linux cluster in NSU was launched, peoples have problems
to solve them on cluster, but they don't want study to work on at the same time. This
(submission and checking parallel tasks status) was developed to help this category of people.
Perl (CGI) and Postgress DB were used.
This page is devoted to NSU Linux cluster
(SSI). It is not supported now because of financing stopped.