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is an ordered
(sometimes called a sequence). Lists may contain duplicate elements. In addition to the operations inherited from
, theList
interface includes operations for:
- Positional Access: manipulate elements based on their numerical position in the list.
- Search: search for a specified object in the list and return its numerical position.
- List Iteration: extend
semantics to take advantage of the list's sequential nature.- Range-view: perform arbitrary range operations on the list.
interface is shown below:The JDK contains two general-purposepublic interface List extends Collection { // Positional Access Object get(int index); Object set(int index, Object element); // Optional void add(int index, Object element); // Optional Object remove(int index); // Optional abstract boolean addAll(int index, Collection c); // Optional // Search int indexOf(Object o); int lastIndexOf(Object o); // Iteration ListIterator listIterator(); ListIterator listIterator(int index); // Range-view List subList(int from, int to); }List
, which is generally the best-performing implementation, and
which offers better performance under certain circumstances. Also,
has been retrofitted to implementList
. For more information on implementations, see the Implementations lesson.
If you've usedVector
, you're already familiar with the general flavor of
. (Of course,List
is an interface, whileVector
is a concrete implementation.)List
fixes several minor API deficiencies inVector
. For starters, commonly usedVector
operations such aselementAt
have been given much shorter names. When you consider that these two operations are theList
analogue of square brackets for arrays, it becomes apparent that shorter names are highly desirable. Consider the following assignment statement:a[i] = a[j].times(a[k]);TheVector
equivalent is:v.setElementAt(v.elementAt(j).times(v.elementAt(k)), i);TheList
equivalent is:v.set(i, v.get(j).times(v.get(k)));You may already have noticed that theset
method, which replacessetElementAt
, reverses the order of the arguments so that they match the corresponding array operation. Consider this assignment statement:beatle[5] = "Billy Preston";TheVector
equivalent is:beatle.setElementAt("Billy Preston", 5);TheList
equivalent is:beatle.set(5, "Billy Preston");For consistency's sake, theadd(int, Object)
method, which replacesinsertElementAt(Object, int)
, also reverses the order of the arguments.The various range operations in
) have been replaced by a single range-view operation (subList
), which is far more powerful and consistent.
The operations inherited fromCollection
all do about what you'd expect them to do, assuming you're already familiar with them fromCollection
. If you're not familiar with them, now would be a good time to read the lesson on theCollection
interface. Theremove
operation always removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the list. Theadd
operations always append the new element(s) to the end of the list. Thus, the following idiom concatenates one list to another:Here's a non-destructive form of this idiom, which produces a thirdlist1.addAll(list2);List
consisting of the second list appended to the first:Note that the idiom, in its non-destructive form, takes advantage ofList list3 = new ArrayList(list1); list3.addAll(list2);ArrayList
's standardCollection
constructor.Like the
strengthens the requirements on theequals
methods so that twoList
objects can be compared for logical equality without regard to their implementation classes. TwoList
objects are equal if they contain the same elements in the same order.
The basic positional access operations (get
) behave just like their longer-named counterparts inVector
) with one noteworthy exception. Theset
operations return the old value that is being overwritten or removed; theVector
counterparts (setElementAt
) return nothing (void
). The search operationsindexOf
behave exactly like the identically named operations inVector
operation inserts all of the elements of the specifiedCollection
starting at the specified position. The elements are inserted in the order they are returned by the specifiedCollection
. This call is the positional access analogue ofCollection
operation.Here's a little function to swap two indexed values in a
. It should look familiar from Programming 101 (assuming you stayed awake):Of course there's one big difference. This is a polymorphic algorithm: it swaps two elements in anyprivate static void swap(List a, int i, int j) { Object tmp = a.get(i); a.set(i, a.get(j)); a.set(j, tmp); }List
, regardless of its implementation type. "Big deal," you say, "What's it good for?" Funny you should ask. Take a look at this:This algorithm (which is included in the JDK'spublic static void shuffle(List list, Random rnd) { for (int i=list.size(); i>1; i--) swap(list, i-1, rnd.nextInt(i)); }Collections
class) randomly permutes the specified
using the specified source of randomness. It's a bit subtle: It runs up the list from the bottom, repeatedly swapping a randomly selected element into the current position. Unlike most naive attempts at shuffling, it's fair (all permutations occur with equal likelihood, assuming an unbiased source of randomness) and fast (requiring exactlylist.size()-1
iterations). The following short program uses this algorithm to print the words in its argument list in random order:In fact, we can make this program even shorter and faster. Theimport java.util.*; public class Shuffle { public static void main(String args[]) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) l.add(args[i]); Collections.shuffle(l, new Random()); System.out.println(l); } }Arrays
class has a static factory method called
that allows an array to be viewed as aList
. This method does not copy the array; changes in theList
write through to the array, and vice-versa. The resultingList
is not a general-purposeList
implementation, in that it doesn't implement the (optional)add
operations: arrays are not resizable. Taking advantage ofArrays.asList
and calling an alternate form ofshuffle
that uses a default source of randomness, you get the followingtiny program
, whose behavior is identical to the previous program:
import java.util.*; public class Shuffle { public static void main(String args[]) { List l = Arrays.asList(args); Collections.shuffle(l); System.out.println(l); } }
As you'd expect, theIterator
returned byList
operation returns the elements of the list in proper sequence. Additionally,List
provides a richer iterator, called aListIterator
, that allows you to traverse the list in either direction, modify the list during iteration, and obtain the current position of the iterator. TheListIterator
interface is summarized below (including the three methods it inherits fromIterator
):The three methods thatpublic interface ListIterator extends Iterator { boolean hasNext(); Object next(); boolean hasPrevious(); Object previous(); int nextIndex(); int previousIndex(); void remove(); // Optional void set(Object o); // Optional void add(Object o); // Optional }ListIterator
inherits fromIterator
, andremove
) are intended to do exactly the same thing in both interfaces. ThehasPrevious
operations are exact analogues ofhasNext
. The former operations refer to the element before the (implicit) cursor, whereas the latter refer to the element after the cursor. Theprevious
operation moves the cursor backwards whereasnext
moves it forwards.Here's the standard idiom for iterating backwards through a list:
Note the argument tofor (ListIterator i=l.listIterator(l.size()); i.hasPrevious(); ) { Foo f = (Foo) i.previous(); ... }listIterator
in the above idiom. TheList
interface has two forms of thelistIterator
method. The form with no arguments returns aListIterator
positioned at the beginning of the list, and the form with anint
argument returns aListIterator
positioned at the specified index. The index refers to the element that would be returned by an initial call tonext
. If the index value ofn
is used, then the initial call tonext
would return null, since it would point just past the end of the list. An initial call toprevious
would return the element whose index wasindex-1
. In a list of lengthn
, there aren+1
valid values forindex
, from0
, inclusive.Intuitively speaking, the cursor is always between two elements, the one that would be returned by a call to
and the one that would be returned by a call tonext
. Then+1
values correspond to then+1
"gaps" between elements, from the gap before the first element to the gap after the last one. The diagram below shows the five possible cursor positions in a list containing four elements.Element(0) Element(1) Element(2) Element(3) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Index: 0 1 2 3 4Calls tonext
can be intermixed, but you have to be a bit careful. The first call toprevious
after a sequence of calls tonext
returns the same element as the last call tonext
. Similarly, the first call tonext
after a sequence of calls toprevious
returns the same element as the last call toprevious
. This will become obvious if you stare at the foregoing text long enough. If it doesn't, go get yourself a steaming hot mug of Java, and try again.It should come as no surprise that the
method returns the index of the element that would be returned by a subsequent call tonext
, andpreviousIndex
returns the index of the element that would be returned by a subsequent call toprevious
. These calls are typically used for one of two purposes: To report the position where something was found, or to record the position of theListIterator
so that anotherListIterator
with identical position can be created.It should also come as no surprise that the number returned by
is always one greater than the number returned bypreviousIndex
. This implies the behavior of the two boundary cases: a call topreviousIndex
when the cursor is before the initial element returns-1
, and a call tonextIndex
when the cursor is after the final element returnslist.size()+1
. To make all of this concrete, here's a possible implementation ofList.indexOf
:Note that thepublic int indexOf(Object o) { for (ListIterator i = listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) if (o==null ? i.next()==null : o.equals(i.next())) return i.previousIndex(); return -1; // Object not found }indexOf
method returnsi.previousIndex()
though it is traversing the list in the forward direction. This is becausei.nextIndex()
would return the index of the element that we are about to examine, and we want to return the index of the element that we just examined.The
interface provides theremove
operation to remove from theCollection
the last element returned bynext
. TheListIterator
interface provides two additional operations to modify the list:set
. Theset
method "overwrites" the last element returned bynext
with the specified element. It is demonstrated by the following polymorphic algorithm to replace all occurrences of one specified value with another:The only bit of trickiness in this example is the equality test betweenpublic static void replace(List l, Object val, Object newVal) { for (ListIterator i = l.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) if (val==null ? i.next()==null : val.equals(i.next())) i.set(newVal); }val
. We have to special-case anval
value ofnull
in order to prevent aNullPointerException
method inserts a new element into the list, immediately before the current cursor position. This method is illustrated in the following polymorphic algorithm to replace all occurrences of a specified value with the sequence of values contained in the specified list:public static void replace(List l, Object val, List newVals) { for (ListIterator i = l.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { if (val==null ? i.next()==null : val.equals(i.next())) { i.remove(); for (Iterator j = newVals.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) i.add(j.next()); } } }
The range-view operation,subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
, returns aList
view of the portion of this list whose indices range fromfromIndex
, inclusive, totoIndex
, exclusive. This half-open range mirrors the typicalfor
-loop:As the term view implies, the returnedfor (int i=fromIndex; i<toIndex; i++) { ... }List
is backed by theList
on whichsubList
was called, so changes in the formerList
are reflected in the latter.This method eliminates the need for explicit range operations (of the sort that commonly exist for arrays). Any operation that expects a
can be used as a range operation by passing asubList
view instead of a wholeList
. For example, the following idiom removes a range of elements from a list:Similar idioms may be constructed to search for an element in a range:list.subList(fromIndex, toIndex).clear();Note that the above idioms return the index of the found element in theint i = list.subList(fromIndex, toIndex).indexOf(o); int j = list.subList(fromIndex, toIndex).lastIndexOf(o);subList
, not the index in the backingList
.Any polymorphic algorithm that operates on a
(like thereplace
examples, above) works with theList
returned bysubList
.Here's a polymorphic algorithm whose implementation uses
to deal a hand from a deck. That is to say, it returns a newList
(the "hand") containing the specified number of elements taken from the end of the specifiedList
(the "deck"). The elements returned in the hand are removed from the deck.The literal-minded might say that this program deals from the bottom of the deck, but I prefer to think that the computer is holding the deck upside down. At any rate, for many commonpublic static List dealHand(List deck, int n) { int deckSize = deck.size(); List handView = deck.subList(deckSize-n, deckSize); List hand = new ArrayList(handView); handView.clear(); return hand; }List
implementations, likeArrayList
, the performance of removing elements from the end of the list is substantially better than that of removing elements from the beginning.Here's
a program
using the
method in combination withCollections.shuffle
to generate hands from a normal 52-card deck. The program takes two command line arguments: the number of hands to deal and the number of cards in each hand.
Let's run the program:import java.util.*; class Deal { public static void main(String args[]) { int numHands = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int cardsPerHand = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); // Make a normal 52-card deck String[] suit = new String[] {"spades", "hearts", "diamonds", "clubs"}; String[] rank = new String[] {"ace","2","3","4","5","6","7","8", "9","10","jack","queen","king"}; List deck = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0; i<suit.length; i++) for (int j=0; j<rank.length; j++) deck.add(rank[j] + " of " + suit[i]); Collections.shuffle(deck); for (int i=0; i<numHands; i++) System.out.println(dealHand(deck, cardsPerHand)); } }% java Deal 4 5 [8 of hearts, jack of spades, 3 of spades, 4 of spades, king of diamonds] [4 of diamonds, ace of clubs, 6 of clubs, jack of hearts, queen of hearts] [7 of spades, 5 of spades, 2 of diamonds, queen of diamonds, 9 of clubs] [8 of spades, 6 of diamonds, ace of spades, 3 of hearts, ace of hearts]While the
operation is extremely powerful, some care must be exercised when using it. The semantics of theList
returned bysubList
become undefined if elements are added to or removed from the backingList
in any way other than via the returnedList
. Thus, it's highly recommended that you use theList
returned bysubList
only as a transient object, to perform one or a sequence of range operations on the backingList
. The longer you use thesubList
object, the greater the probability that you'll compromise it by modifying the backingList
directly (or through anothersubList
Most of the polymorphic algorithms in theCollections
class apply specifically toList
. Having all of these algorithms at your disposal makes it very easy to manipulate lists. Here's a summary of these algorithms, which are described in more detail in the Algorithms lesson.
: Sorts a List using a merge sort algorithm, which provides a fast, stable sort. (A stable sort is one that does not reorder equal elements.)shuffle(List)
: Randomly permutes the elements in aList
. (Shown above.)reverse(List)
: Reverses the order of the elements in aList
.fill(List, Object)
: Overwrites every element in aList
with the specified value.copy(List dest, List src)
: Copies the sourceList
into the destination List.binarySearch(List, Object)
: Searches for an element in an orderedList
using the binary search algorithm.
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